type-0/00 Green for direct dough (4-6 hours) W 230/240 - P/L 0.50/0.60 - CD 6min

type-0/00 Green for direct dough (4-6 hours)
Suitable for making Tuscan, Pugliese, Sicilian bread and small rolls. Blogger Katia Montomoli used our Green Bread Line flour to make her cocount mini-pancakes, and described it as "perfect for every use, the end result is guaranteed" (http://blog.giallozafferano.it/katiamontomoli/mini-pancakes-al-cocco/)
Packages available: 25 kg
Characteristics: W 230/240 - P/L 0.50/0.60 - CD 6min
Product code: FA0007