Yogurt and honey ciambella

See the recipe by Lia Consuela

Blog: Delizie & Fantasie di Consy

Molino Soncini Cesare Cake Line Shortcrust flour280ml
millefiori honey100g
vanilla powderone sachet
carrots2, blended
sugar2 tablespoons
banana1, small
cake yeast1 sachet
fresh milk80ml
white yogurt200g
icing sugaras desired
orange flavouringa phial
salta pinch

Ingredients for the filling/topping

250ml cream, three teaspoons millefiori honey, fresh strawberries (as desired)


beat the eggs together with the honey until you have a frothy and light paste. Now add your blended carrots with the milk and yogurt, plus the sifted cake flour with the yeast, vanilla and salt. Work it all well together. Cut your fruits into small pieces and add to the mix. Transfer it to a buttered and floured ciambella baking mould, and bake in a pre-heated oven at 180°C for around 40 minutes.
For a delicious topping, whisk the cream together with the extra honey, and garnish the top of your cooked cake with the cream and pieces of fresh strawberry.


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