wholemeal filled Ricotta bread rolls (makes 12)

See the recipe by Teresa Mosca

Blog: Nella Cucina di Teresa

Molino Soncini Cesare Bread Line type-0 Manitoba flour200g
Molino Soncini Cesare Traditional Grains Wholemeal flour80g
salta pinch

Ingredients for the filling/topping

Fiordifrutta Fig jam by Rigoni di Asiago, White Nut cream by Rigoni di Asiago


Divide your egg; place the two types of flour, the sugar, yeast, milk and salt in a bowl and mix well together; add the ricotta and the egg white, and continue to work until your dough is nice and soft. Leave to rise for at least 3 hours.
Once risen, divide your dough into 50g pieces, work each into a ball with your hands, then roll each one out, and place a spoonful of the White Nut Cream into the middle of each of half of the balls. Close tightly, firstly from two sides and then the other two. In the other half, place a spoonful of the fig jam: in order to tell them apart once cooked, I rolled the latter out a bit longer, before rolling it over on itself.
As each roll is ready, place it fold-down on a lined oven tray, and leave to rise for at least another hour. Once risen (they should double in volume), brush the surface of each with the egg yolk, and bake for 20 minutes at 175°C. Once cooked, leave to cool before serving as a sumptuous snack at any time of day!


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