Sesame and curry flavoured loaf

See the recipe by Katia Montomoli

Blog: In cucina con Frollina

Molino Soncini Cesare Bread Line type-00 Green flour 500g
curry powder1 tablespoon
honey1/2 tablespoon
egg yolk1
sesame seedsas desired
beer yeast10g
salt1 teaspoon

Ingredients for the filling/topping


Melt the yeast and the honey in the milk; place the flour in your doughmaker bowl, and work it at speed n.2, slowly adding the milk mixture a little at a time. Microwave your butter for a few seconds, and add to the mix, along with the salt: when your dough is well amalgamated, add the sesame and the curry.
After 20 minutes, place the dough in a baking tray, covered with clingfilm, and leave to rise for around three hours. Once risen, remove from the tray, form into the shape you want, leave to rest for another hour - then brush with the egg yolk, and bake at 200°C for about 35 minutes.


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