multigrain biscuits

See the recipe by Teresa Mosca

Blog: Nella Cucina di Teresa

Molino Soncini Cesare Multicereal Dark flour150g
type-00 flour120g
cake yeast2 tablespoons
sunflower oil50ml

Ingredients for the filling/topping

50g Rigoni di Asiago Acacia Honey, 40g nuts, 40g hazelnuts, 50g goji berries, 30ml Nocino liquor (optional)


Use a pestle or food mixer to crush (but not completely) your nuts, hazelnuts, goji berries and a spoonful of sugar. Place the Multi-grain and type-00 flours in your doughmaker, add the egg, the remaining sugar, yeast, honey and finally your oil (plus your liquor, if your biscuits are not for the little ones!), before adding the powderised nuts.
Work it all together until you get a nice smoth dough, and remove pieces of about the size of a nut, form into balls, squeeze slightly, and place on a lined baking tray. Bake at 180°C for 20 minutes. Leave to cool well before devouring them!


  • teresa mosca

    Questa farina l'ho trovata perfetta per preparare questi biscotti golosi, croccanti e soprattutto leggeri e salutari

  • teresa mosca

    Farina Multicereale Dark veramente eccezionale, con tanti semini dei cereali che rende tutte le preparazioni croccanti e soprattutto salutari.


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