Gluten-free bread

See the recipe by Molino Soncini Cesare

Molino Soncini Cesare gluten-free powdered bread mix500g
tepid water (30°C)390ml
fresh yeast25g
olive oil20g

Ingredients for the filling/topping


Place the powdered mix and the salt in the mixing tray of a dough-maker. Melt the yeast in the tepid water, mix with the oil and add to the powdered mix. Work for two minutes at a low speed. Then change speed to high, and work for another four. Flour your hands, and work the dough into the desired shape and size: place on a baking tray, cover with clingfilm, and leave to rise for about an hour at 30°C.
Bake in the middle of a pre-heated ventilated oven at 200°C, with the draught open for the first five seconds, for 20-25 minutes (for 80 gram pieces of dough). Cooking times will vary for other sizes of loaf.
Suggestion: during the last five minutes of cooking, open the oven door for a few seconds, or cook with the draught open.


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