Egg Tagliatelle with ham sauce (serves 6/7)

See the recipe by Vincenza Borelli

Blog: Le ricette di mamma Anatina

Molino Soncini Cesare Pasta Line flour for Fresh Pasta600g
semola flour2 heaped tablespoons
extra-virgin olive oil1 tablespoon
cold water1 tablespoon
salta pinch

Ingredients for the filling/topping

FOR THE SAUCE: 350g of Gambetto ham on the bone, cleaned and chopped a large quantity of chopped carrots, celery and onion 1 tube of tomato concentrate 300g tomato puree extra-virgin oil as needed half glass of dry white wine generous quantity of grated Grana Padano cheese salt and pepper to taste


FOR THE TAGLIATELLE: Spread your flour out on a work surface, add the semola, egg, oil, water and salt, and work together until your dough is smooth and without any lumps. Form it into a ball, cover with a clean damp cloth and leave to rest for half an hour.
Once rested, pass it through your pasta maker a number of times, until you are ready to create the tagliatelle shape. Place the formed tagliatelle on a floured surface and store in a well-aired space, ready to use whenever you need.
FOR THE SAUCE: Lightly fry your chopped vegetables in some oil in a deep pot, then add the ham and once it starts to brown, add the wine, and cook until it evaporates. Then add the tomato concentrate and then the puree, cook gently for 10 minutes, check for salt and pepper, and cook for another 15/20 minute. Start to boil your prepared tagliatelle plenty of salted water - once cooked, drain well, and pour into the ragu sauce pot. Stir well and serve with plenty of grated cheese!


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