
See the recipe by Anna Rita Camillo'

Blog: Le Delizie di Anna Rita

Molino Soncini Cesare Cake Line flour for Croissants500g
water275 ml
fresh beer yeast20g

Ingredients for the filling/topping

290g extra butter


Place all the ingredients in the mixing bowl of a dough maker, except the salt and the butter: work for about 7 minutes, then add the salt and the butter and work for another 7 minutes, until the dough is uniform and elastic. Refrigerate for about six hours at 4/5°C. Remove from the fridge, and fold it over 3 times onto itself every 30 minutes, before shaping into a croissant form and leaving it to rise.
Once doubled in volume, bake at 180°C for 15/20 minutes.


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