
See the recipe by Letizia Valeri

Blog: Letizia testa i prodotti

Molino Soncini Cesare stonemilled corn flour 70g
Molino Soncini Cesare type-00 flour100g
hot dog wurstels4 large
bicarbonate of soda1 teaspoon
sugar1 tablespoon

Ingredients for the filling/topping


in a pot, mix the egg and the milk, add the two types of flour, and work with a hand-whisk to eliminate any lumps, until you have a smooth paste. Now add the sugar, salt and bicarbonate. Leave to rest for 15 minutes, the mix should be dense and thick. Cut your wurstels in half, so that you have eight mini-hot dogs. Insert a wooden toothpick into each one, and immerse in the flour mix. Fry in lots of sunflower oil, which should not be too hot. Make sure that the hot-dogs are cooked through properly, and just not browned. Delicious and pretty to look at, too!


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