Coconut mini-pancakes

See the recipe by Katia Montomoli

Blog: In cucina con Frollina

Molino Soncini Cesare Bread Line type-0/00 Green Flour170g
cake yeast1/2 sachet
Cocofina organica Cocount nectar3 tablespoons
buttera pat

Ingredients for the filling/topping

Chocolate, coconut syrup, coconut shavings


place the eggs and the sugar in a pot, and use a whisk to work them together. Then add the flour, the salt, the coconut nectar, and work it together again to create a smooth mix without any lumps. Now add the sifted cake yeast, and continue to work together. In a non-stick pan, melt your pat of butter, and gently wipe clean any excess. Take a small quantity of your pancake mix, and cook in the non-stick pan for a few minutes (turning over during cooking), until nicely browned. Your pancakes are ready to serve filled with whatever you prefer (Katia has used chocolate and coconut shavings).


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